The Pragmatic Programmer by David Thomas
"One of the most significant books in my life." --Obie Fernandez, Author, The Rails Way "Twenty years ago, the first edi...

Python Crash Course
Second edition of the best-selling Python book in the world. A fast-paced, no-nonsense guide to programming in Python. U...

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, 2nd Edition
The second edition of this best-selling Python book (100,000+ copies sold in print alone) uses Python 3 to teach even th...

Clean Architecture : A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design
Practical Software Architecture Solutions from the Legendary Robert C. Martin ("Uncle Bob") By applying universal rule...

Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
Machine learning has become an integral part of many commercial applications and research projects, but this field is no...

Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho
Python's simplicity lets you become productive quickly, but this often means you aren't using everything it has to offer...

Learning Python by Mark Lutz
Get a comprehensive, in-depth introduction to the core Python language with this hands-on book. Based on author Mark Lut...

Python for Kids
For Kids Aged 10+ (And Their Parents) The code in this book runs on almost anything: Windows, Mac, Linux, even an OLPC l...

The Clean Coder : A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers
Programmers who endure and succeed amidst swirling uncertainty and nonstop pressure share a common attribute: They care ...

The Lego Technic Idea Book: Simple Machines
The LEGO(R) Technic Idea Book: Simple Machines is a collection of hundreds of working examples of simple yet fascinating...

Domain-driven Design
"Eric Evans has written a fantastic book on how you can make the design of your software match your mental model of the ...

Test Driven Development : By Example
Clean code that works--now. This is the seeming contradiction that lies behind much of the pain of programming. Test-dri...

Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
Developers of enterprise applications (e.g reservation systems, supply chain programs, financial systems, etc.) face a u...

Code : The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
What do flashlights, the British invasion, black cats, and seesaws have to do with computers? In CODE, they show us the ...

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs has had a dramatic impact on computer science curricula over the past ...