Download Lean in 15 - The Shift Plan PDF

Title Lean in 15 - The Shift Plan
Genres Diets & Dieting Health Books Quick & Easy Cooking Exercise & Workout Books Cookery For Dietary Conditions Cookery Dishes & Courses
Publisher Pan Macmillan
ISBN 9781509800667
The first book by Joe Wicks, the online nutrition and fitness expert who's taking the internet by storm. The opposite of the unenjoyable low calorie crash diets, Lean in 15 showcases delicious recipes and a plan for sustainable fat loss that will inspire busy people to change their body shape forever. Featuring 100 healthy and quick to prepare meals as well as including examples of his signature HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) home workouts, Lean in 15 enables you to achieve incredible fat loss and build a fit, strong and lean body.
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